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Using math formulas to predict earthquakes

A team of researchers at Lyell Centre in Edinburgh, has developed a way to use math formulas to help predict when an earthquake is likely to happen. In their paper published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, ...

Using GPS as a possible earthquake predictor

A pair of seismologists at Côte d'Azur University has found what might turn out to be an accurate way to predict earthquakes. In their study, reported in the journal Science, Quentin Bletery and Jean-Mathieu Nocquet looked ...

Study suggests great earthquakes cause of Arctic warming

A researcher from MIPT has proposed a new explanation for the Arctic's rapid warming. In his recent paper in Geosciences, he suggests that the warming could have been triggered by a series of great earthquakes.

The Red Sea is no longer a baby ocean

It is 2,250 kilometers long, but only 355 kilometers wide at its widest point—on a world map, the Red Sea hardly resembles an ocean. But this is deceptive. A new, albeit still narrow, ocean basin is actually forming between ...

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