NASA launches international mission to survey Earth's water

A satellite built for NASA and the French space agency Center National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) to observe nearly all the water on our planet's surface lifted off on its way to low-Earth orbit at 3:46 a.m. PST on Friday. ...

Tracking explosions with toughened-up tracers

What happens in an explosion? Where do the products of that explosion go following the blast? These questions are often difficult to solve. New rugged tracer particles, developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) ...

Drug discovery and development—in space

Carrying out scientific experiments in space allows scientists to study and make drugs without gravity, which can lead to surprising results that improve research back on Earth. According to a cover story in Chemical & Engineering ...

The evolution of tree roots may have driven mass extinctions

The evolution of tree roots may have triggered a series of mass extinctions that rocked the Earth's oceans during the Devonian Period over 300 million years ago, according to a study led by scientists at IUPUI, along with ...

Searching for life on highly eccentric exoplanets

When we think about finding life beyond Earth, especially on exoplanets, we immediately want to search for the next Earth, or Earth 2.0. We want an exoplanet that orbits a star firmly in its habitable zone (HZ) with vast ...

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