Geological record shows air up there came from below

( -- The influence of the ground beneath us on the air around us could be greater than scientists had previously thought, according to new research that links the long-ago proliferation of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere ...

Oceanic islands preferred thin crust

(—Debate over how and where oceanic island chains, like Hawaii, form, is at an end according to an academic from The Australian National University.

Uninhabited water: Where no microbe has gone before

( -- NASA's 'follow the water' strategy to find life on other planets might need rethinking, according to Australian National University research describing the amount of water on Earth that doesn't support life.

Rare particles give clue to ancient Earth

( —Semi-precious minerals found in a bucket of sand from an island nation have cracked open a clue to the drifting movements and break-up of ancient Earth's massive continental plates.

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