Bovine embryos as a model for early human development

The mechanisms that underlie early embryonic development in humans and cattle are very similar. Therefore, LMU researchers argue that bovine embryos might well be a better model for early human development than the mouse ...

Newly discovered gene critical to embryo's first days

A previously unknown gene plays a critical part in the development of the human embryo during the first days of fertilisation, researchers from Karolinska Institutet show. The paper, which is published in the scientific journal ...

Cow embryos reveal new type of chromosome chimera

I've often wondered what happens between the time an egg is fertilized and the time the ball of cells that it becomes nestles into the uterine lining. It's a period that we know very little about, a black box of developmental ...

How the early embryo changes shape

( —In research published today in Nature Cell Biology, scientists from the EMBL Australia research team based at Monash University's Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) have revealed new insights ...

No designer babies, but summit calls for cautious research

A tool to edit human genes is nowhere near ready to use for pregnancy—but altering early embryos as part of careful laboratory research should be allowed as scientists and society continue to grapple with the ethical questions ...

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