Related topics: google

Old fashioned bartering in a high tech world

I'm curious to see how something like this works out. is launching a new Web-based bartering system that pledges to help people who want to trade things find other like-minded people.

UAE to ban BlackBerry services, Saudi follows suit

(AP) -- The United Arab Emirates outlined plans Sunday to block BlackBerry e-mail, messaging and Web browsing services in a crackdown that could jeopardize efforts to establish the country as an international business hub.

Watchdog: UK university hid climate data

(AP) -- The university at the center of a climate change dispute over stolen e-mails broke freedom of information laws by refusing to handle public requests for climate data, Britain's data-protection watchdog said Thursday.

How 2 ... Control what Google says about you

If you don't like the results that come up when you search for your name on Google, you now have a new free way to make sure people find the online information you want them to by creating a free Google Profile and filling ...

Review: Motorola's Cliq is a snappy smart phone

(AP) -- Imagine how you'd feel if you peaked in middle school. That's pretty much what happened to cell phone maker Motorola Inc., which had a megahit in 2005 with its Razr handset but has since failed to fashion another ...

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