Related topics: google

Google grabs personal info off of Wi-Fi networks

(AP) -- Google Inc. has been vacuuming up fragments of people's online activities broadcast over public Wi-Fi networks for the past four years, a breach of Web etiquette likely to raise more privacy worries about the Internet ...

YIP research leads to new security algorithms

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research's Young Investigator Research Program is enabling new scientists and engineers with exceptional ability to do creative basic research, enhance their career development and develop ...

Report: China hackers stole key Google program

(AP) -- Computer hackers stole a program that controlled access to most of Google Inc.'s services when they attacked the Internet company late last year, according to a report published late Monday.

Beware of highway robbers on Wi-Fi

As the number of Wi-Fi hot spots grows, travelers might want to heed a word of caution from the Wi-Fi Alliance, a nonprofit industry group that promotes Wi-Fi technology: Think security.

Presto offers alternative to hibernate and sleep

In this day and age of instant gratification, we don't like waiting for anything. Some of us can remember having to wait when we turned on the television as the tubes inside warmed up and the picture slowly faded into view. ...

Blindness groups, ASU settle suit over Kindle

(AP) -- Two organizations representing the blind have settled a discrimination lawsuit against Arizona State University over its use of Amazon's Kindle e-reader device.

Scared of social media? Read this

Almost every day we receive questions about how to use Twitter -- both from online readers and people we meet in real life. The questions have been picking up since practically every media outlet jumped on the Twitter Train ...

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