Related topics: google

Old fashioned bartering in a high tech world

I'm curious to see how something like this works out. is launching a new Web-based bartering system that pledges to help people who want to trade things find other like-minded people.

Here's a guide to social networking for clueless adults

Welcome to Facebook, children of the 20th century. Since the social network, initially developed for students, relaxed its rules in 2006 to let in pretty much anyone older than 13, millions of users who predate the Internet ...

Apple rumored to want to buy Twitter

As the media appearances of Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams have multiplied, so have rumors that the company is for sale and about to be bought.

Scared of social media? Read this

Almost every day we receive questions about how to use Twitter -- both from online readers and people we meet in real life. The questions have been picking up since practically every media outlet jumped on the Twitter Train ...

Presto offers alternative to hibernate and sleep

In this day and age of instant gratification, we don't like waiting for anything. Some of us can remember having to wait when we turned on the television as the tubes inside warmed up and the picture slowly faded into view. ...

Recession forces new focus in e-commerce marketing

(AP) -- Online retailers are shifting their marketing from traditional advertising to less expensive tools like and Twitter and e-mail as they seek market share or just work to retain customers, according to ...

How 2 ... Control what Google says about you

If you don't like the results that come up when you search for your name on Google, you now have a new free way to make sure people find the online information you want them to by creating a free Google Profile and filling ...

Google's openness intensifies focus on e-mail woes

(AP) -- Google Inc.'s recent pledge to be more open about periodic service outages appears to be drawing more attention to the breakdowns when they occur, even if it's a minor hiccup affecting a sliver of its users.

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