First observation of a focused plasma wave on the sun

For the first time, scientists have observed plasma waves from a solar flare focused by a coronal hole, akin to the focusing of sound waves responsible for the Rotunda effect in architecture or the focusing of light by a ...

Expanding on the fundamental principles of liquid movement

From the rain drops rolling down your window, to the fluid running through a COVID rapid test, we cannot go a day without observing the world of fluid dynamics. Naturally, how liquids traverse across, and through, surfaces ...

Manufacturing optimized designs for high explosives

When materials are subjected to extreme environments, they face the risk of mixing together. This mixing may result in hydrodynamic instabilities, yielding undesirable side effects. Such instabilities present a grand challenge ...

New work extends the thermodynamic theory of computation

Every computing system, biological or synthetic, from cells to brains to laptops, has a cost. This isn't the price, which is easy to discern, but an energy cost connected to the work required to run a program and the heat ...

Study finds not all failures lead to learning

Do people learn from their failures? In a new study, researchers have examined the high-stakes field of cardiothoracic surgery to assess the relationship between individuals' experiences with failures and the learning outcomes ...

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