A dusty atmosphere caused extreme global cooling

In recent Earth history, climate has varied following ~100,000 year, glacial-interglacial cycles with higher and lower temperatures and greenhouse gas concentrations. During the coldest glacial conditions, global mean temperatures ...

How long is a day on Mars?

Mars represents something of a conundrum for scientists. In many respects, it is significantly different from Earth. It's cold, it's dry, there is little atmosphere or precipitation to speak of, and nothing grows there. ...

Soil carbon 'blowing in the wind'

Top soil is rich in nutrients and carbon but is increasingly being blown away by events such as the 'Red Dawn' in Sydney in 2009.

Dust in the Earth system

Dust is a powerful thing. Not the stuff that we wipe off the coffee table on a regular basis, but the tiny particles floating around in the earth's atmosphere, which originate primarily from deserts in North Africa and the ...

Scientists bid adieu to plucky solar probe

US and European scientists were Tuesday bidding farewell to the tenacious solar probe Ulysses which has been recording data around the sun for more than 18 years, four times longer than planned.

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