Related topics: chickens ยท bird flu

Viruses reprogram cells into different virocells

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, so the adage goes, it must be a duck. But if the duck gets infected by a virus so that it no longer looks or quacks like one, is it still a duck? For a team led by researchers ...

Hubble spots flock of cosmic ducks

This star-studded image shows us a portion of Messier 11, an open star cluster in the southern constellation of Scutum (the Shield). Messier 11 is also known as the Wild Duck Cluster, as its brightest stars form a "V" shape ...

Aging a flock of stars in the Wild Duck Cluster

Do star clusters harbor many generations of stars or just one? Scientists have long searched for an answer and, thanks to the University of Arizona's MMT telescope, found one in the Wild Duck Cluster, where stars spin at ...

What do ducks hear?

One of the threats facing diving ducks are gill nets that fishermen use, which cause hundreds of thousands of inadvertent deaths to sea birds annually.

Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton comes to life

The unearthed bones of Mukawaryu, Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton, have now been prepared and pieced together, giving us a fuller and clearer image of the 72 million-year-old dinosaur.

Why duck shooting season still isn't on the endangered list

On March 17, the 2018 duck shooting session will open in Victoria. The first shots were fired in Tasmania and South Australia last weekend. The Northern Territory allows certain types of bird shooting later in the year. Duck ...

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