Advanced cancer drug shrinks and intercalates DNA

Because of the harmful side-effects of chemotherapy, and the increasing resistance to drugs found in many cancer cells, it is critical for researchers to continually search for new ways to update current cancer treatments. ...

The rise, fall and resurgence of gene therapy

Twenty years ago, scientists and investors were giddy over the promise of gene therapy to cure a host of deadly diseases. But the tragic death of a young man from an experimental treatment in 1999 nearly ended a scientist's ...

Biodegradable anti-cancer treatment micro-robot

Professor Hongsoo Choi's research team in the Department of Robotics Engineering & DGIST-ETH Microrobot Research Center (DEMRC) at DGIST (President Young Kuk) succeeded in developing a biodegradable micro-robot that can perform ...

A new way to deliver drugs with pinpoint targeting

Most pharmaceuticals must either be ingested or injected into the body to do their work. Either way, it takes some time for them to reach their intended targets, and they also tend to spread out to other areas of the body. ...

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