Toward a safer form of acetaminophen

Efforts to develop a safer form of acetaminophen—the pain and fever-reducer that is one of the most widely used drugs—have led to discovery of substances that may have less potentially toxic effects on the liver. A report ...

Research team gives drug dropouts a second chance

( -- A cross-disciplinary team of researchers at the University of Maryland has designed a molecular container that can hold drug molecules and increase their solubility, in one case up to nearly 3000 times. Their ...

Scorpion venom to shuttle drugs into the brain

The Peptides and Proteins lab at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) has published a paper in Chemical Communications describing the use of a peptide derived from chlorotoxin, found in scorpion venom ...

Steroid binding to metabolic enzyme

The human cytochrome P450 enzymes are responsible for metabolizing a variety of substances—from lipids (fats) and steroid hormones to drugs and toxic chemicals.

Researchers watch amyloid plaques form

Researchers at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and Osaka University applied a new approach to take a close look at amyloid plaque formation, a process that plays important roles in Alzheimer's disease. The technique ...

New dyes detect disease through heartbeat signals

Vibrant tones of yellow, orange, and red move in waves across the screen. Although the display looks like psychedelic art, it's actually providing highly technical medical information—the electrical activity of a beating ...

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