Key points in the genetically modified food debate

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to securing a massive free trade agreement between the United States and Europe is a sharp disagreement on genetically modified foods. Much of the corn, soybean, sugar beets and cotton ...

100K Genome Project takes aim at foodborne diseases

An ambitious effort to sequence the genomes of 100,000 infectious microorganisms and speed diagnosis of foodborne illnesses has been launched by the University of California, Davis, Agilent Technologies and the U.S. Food ...

How has COVID-19 impacted supply chains around the world?

Acute shortages of supplies to safely diagnose and treat patients with COVID-19 has crippled the United States' response to the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the importance of widespread and comprehensive testing for COVID-19, ...

Even if you're careful, drugs can end up in water

(AP) -- The federal government advises throwing most unused or expired medications into the trash instead of down the drain, but they can end up in the water anyway, a study from Maine suggests.

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