Related topics: bacteria · antibiotics

Study finds how bacteria resist a 'Trojan horse' antibiotic

A new study describes how bacteria use a previously unknown means to defeat an antibiotic. The researchers found that the bacteria have modified a common "housekeeping" enzyme in a way that enables the enzyme to recognize ...

New drug candidate fights off more than 300 drug-resistant bacteria

Urinary tract infections are common, yet are increasingly tough to treat because the bacteria that cause them are becoming resistant to many antibiotics. Now, in ACS Central Science, researchers report a new molecule that ...

Plasma produces KO cocktail for MRSA

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and other drug-resistant bacteria could face annihilation as low-temperature plasma prototype devices have been developed to offer safe, quick, easy and unfailing bactericidal ...

Antibiotic resistance without the antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance is a global threat that leads to more than 23,000 deaths each year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Over-exposure to antibiotics has long been blamed, but Assistant ...

The rise and fall of the antibiotic age

It's a dog-eat-dog world, but in the lab of University of Alberta bacteriologist Jon Dennis, it's actually virus-eat-bacteria.

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