Related topics: bacteria · antibiotics

New research aids fight against treatment-resistant superbugs

Researchers at Simon Fraser University are studying the genes of superbugs to aid the development of new and effective treatments for drug-resistant bacterial infections. Superbugs are characterized as infection-causing bacteria ...

New shape-shifting antibiotics could fight deadly infections

In the United States alone, drug-resistant bacteria and fungi infect almost 3 million people per year and kill about 35,000. Antibiotics are essential and effective, but in recent years overuse has led to some bacteria developing ...

The perils of bacteria's secret weapons

Did you know that bacteria can hide their antimicrobial resistance? Much like storing military defense equipment without revealing it to the enemy, bacteria can mask their ability to resist antimicrobials. This hidden antimicrobial ...

Mapping E. coli to overcome antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance, when infection-causing bacteria evolve so they are no longer affected by typical antibiotics, is a global concern. New research at the University of Tokyo has mapped the evolution and process of natural ...

Antibiotic resistance linked to these household products

The study, by Assistant Professor Hui Peng's research group in the department of chemistry in the Faculty of Arts & Science, was able to show that triclosan—a chemical often included in household items like hand soaps, ...

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