A better way to measure cell survival

Measuring the toxic effects of chemical compounds on different types of cells is critical for developing cancer drugs, which must be able to kill their target cells. Analyzing cell survival is also an important task in fields ...

Virtually modelling the human brain in a computer

Neurons that remain active even after the triggering stimulus has been silenced form the basis of short-term memory. The brain uses rhythmically active neurons to combine larger groups of neurons into functional units. Until ...

New method opens pathway to new drugs and dyes

Rice University scientists have developed a practical method to synthesize chemical building blocks widely used in drug discovery research and in the manufacture drugs and dyes.

An unlikely use for diamonds

Tiny diamonds are providing scientists with new possibilities for accurate measurements of processes inside living cells with potential to improve drug delivery and cancer therapeutics.

Trifunctional molecule decodes cellular communication

(Phys.org)—How does one define the factors on the surface of human cells to which a molecule of interest binds? This question is typically hard to answer. Researchers of ETH Zurich have developed a new technology that enables ...

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