Push, pull or swirl: The many movements of cilia

Cilia are tiny, hair-like structures on cells throughout our bodies that serve a variety of functions including clearing our airways, circulating cerebrospinal fluid in our brains and transporting eggs in fallopian tubes. ...

Researchers pin down key factors of carbon nanotube toxicity

A Skoltech research team made a systematic review of publications on in vitro biocompatibility of carbon nanotubes and identified the manufacturing parameters that could make them safe for living organisms. The scientists ...

Revealing physical mechanisms behind the movement of microswimmers

Bacteria and other unicellular organisms developed sophisticated ways to actively navigate their way, despite being comparably simple structures. To reveal these mechanisms, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics ...

Turning white blood cells into medicinal microrobots with light

Medicinal microrobots could help physicians better treat and prevent diseases. But most of these devices are made with synthetic materials that trigger immune responses in vivo. Now, for the first time, researchers reporting ...

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