Related topics: surface · water

Opposites attract -- but they may not stay together

( -- Opposites may always attract. But they may not remain together long-term. In a counter-intuitive discovery published in the current edition of the journal Nature, researchers from Harvard, the University ...

3-D printer builds synthetic tissues

A custom-built programmable 3D printer can create materials with several of the properties of living tissues, Oxford University scientists have demonstrated.

Conversion from bad fat to good fat

Scientists from ETH Zurich in Switzerland have shown for the first time that brown and white fat cells in a living organism can be converted from one cell type to the other. Their work, using mice as a model organism, provides ...

Venom tears: Snake bites can turn out to be groovy

Many people worry about the manner of their death. Death by car accident, death by cancer and death by gunshot are some of the more dreaded ways to go. No less awful is the prospect of death by snakebite. So a new research ...

Researchers reveal Eucalypt’s nano properties

( -- Murdoch University nano scientists have discovered that a eucalyptus plant native to south west WA has unique self-cleaning and water-repellent properties which could make it a gold mine for new nanotechnology ...

Sneezing produces complex fluid cascade, not a simple spray

Here's some incentive to cover your mouth the next time you sneeze: New high-speed videos captured by MIT researchers show that as a person sneezes, they launch a sheet of fluid that balloons, then breaks apart in long filaments ...

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