Dying stars' cocoons could be new source of gravitational waves

So far, astrophysicists have only detected gravitational waves from binary systems—the mergers of either two black holes, two neutron stars or one of each. Although astrophysicists theoretically should be able to detect ...

California oil spill prompts new push to ban offshore drilling

There is renewed debate in California and other states over whether to ban offshore oil and gas drilling, two months after a ruptured underwater pipeline off Huntington Beach spewed tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil ...

Tahiti corals clue to 'dynamic' glaciers

(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossilised corals from tropical Tahiti show that the behaviour of ice sheets is much more volatile and dynamic than previously thought, a team led by Oxford University scientists has found.

BP says US oil spill trial could 'last until 2014'

British energy giant BP is prepared for a multi-billion-dollar US legal case into the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill to last until 2014, its chief executive told the Sunday Telegraph.

Obama promotes clean energy; GOP hits Dem spending

(AP) -- Wind, solar and other clean energy technologies produce jobs and are essential for the country's environment and economy, President Barack Obama said in promoting his administration's efforts.

Chevron suspends Brazil offshore drilling

US oil giant Chevron Corporation said on Thursday that it had suspended its current and future drilling operations off Rio de Janeiro state, following a crude oil slick in the area.

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