No 'changing room moment' for men as they age

Men, unlike women, do not suffer from the 'changing room moment' when they suddenly realise they are too old for certain types of clothes, according to new research from the University of Kent.

New offices make us more image-conscious

Employees subconsciously act and dress differently in modern open-plan office environments, according to a new study published in the journal Gender, Work and Organization.

Nanotech wound healing in diabetes

People with diabetes mellitus often suffer from impaired wound healing. Now, scientists in Egypt have developed antibacterial nanofibres of cellulose acetate loaded with silver that could be used in a new type of dressing ...

Perth beer dress goes from backyard shed to catwalk

Exactly 75 years after nylon was introduced at the World Fair in New York, a dress created from beer in a Perth backyard shed is set to premiere at the World EXPO 2015 in Milan.

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