Modern Muslims use dreams to make major life decisions

The traditional practice of using night dreams to make major life decisions is in widespread use among modern Muslims, reveals a new study whose author is speaking at the British Science Festival on Thursday September 16*.

Mid-Century Model Homes Helped Shape Domestic Ideals

( -- A University of Arkansas researcher examined trends in model houses in the post-World War II era and found that they represent a transformation in cultural and domestic life that continues to influence housing ...

The myths and truths of individualism in America

In America, where "having it your way" is a major selling point for everything from fast food to home-building, and making your own way in the world is the gold standard of achievement, individualism stands as the ideal for ...

Image: Dream Chaser at dawn

Dawn brings the sight of Dream Chaser, Sierra Nevada Corporation's reusable spacecraft, as it sits on the runway at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC).

The cost of being poor, as told by toilet paper

One of the greatest fictional stories isn't a summer blockbuster and doesn't star a big-budget Hollywood celebrity. It's the story that individuals are poor due to their lack of will/drive/desire, and if they worked harder, ...

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