Related topics: marine mammal ยท gulf of mexico

Season's first dolphins killed in annual Japan hunt

Japanese fishermen on Friday killed the first dolphins of the season in a controversial annual hunt that attracted global attention after it was featured in the Oscar-winning 2009 documentary "The Cove".

IWC demands action on rare New Zealand dolphin

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) has called on New Zealand to take urgent action to save the world's rarest dolphin from extinction, voicing "grave concern" about its future.

Dolphins to get coastal sanctuary in US

After years of research on dolphin behavior and under pressure from animal rights groups, the National Aquarium in Baltimore has decided to move the marine mammals to a sanctuary, officials said Wednesday.

How dolphins listen to their mothers

As far as a healthy parent/child relationship goes recognising each other is pretty important, despite whether the individuals are in the human or animal kingdom. Recently, UWA Oceans Institute researcher Stephanie King forayed ...

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