EU Court says public must have access to weed killer studies

An EU high court says that the European Food Safety Authority should not have refused the public access to studies on the possible harmful effect of the weed killer glyphosate on humans—documents that were used in a decision ...

Why do people still use fax machines?

The fax machine is a symbol of obsolete technology long superseded by computer networks – but faxing is actually growing in popularity.

US cybersecurity firm: Hackers stole EU diplomatic cables

Hackers have spent years eavesdropping on the diplomatic communications of European Union officials, a U.S. cybersecurity firm said Wednesday, an operation disrupted only after researchers discovered hundreds of intercepted ...

Entropy and search engines

Entropy, a term loosely referring to the disorder of a physical system and infamously associated with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, wherein we know that it ultimately increases in any closed system, might be used to gauge ...

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