Related topics: genome

Using golden DNA strands to close electric circuits in biosensors

By letting DNA strands grow together with gold, scientists at Uppsala Berzelii Centre for Neurodiagnostics and Science for Life Laboratory have developed a brand new concept for super sensitive diagnostics of different diseases. ...

Hijacking the double helix for replication

For years, scientists have puzzled over what prompts the intertwined double-helix DNA to open its two strands and then start replication. Knowing this could be the key to understanding how organisms - from healthy cells to ...

Show me your DNA and I'll tell you your eye color

More and more information is being gathered about how human genes influence medically relevant traits, such as the propensity to develop a certain disease. The ultimate goal is to predict whether or not a given trait will ...

Protein 'rebar' could help make error-free nanostructures

DNA is the stuff of life, but it is also the stuff of nanotechnology. Because molecules of DNA with complementary chemical structures recognize and bind to one another, strands of DNA can fit together like Lego blocks to ...

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