Related topics: genome

Scientists crash test DNA's replication machinery

( -- Important molecular machines routinely crash into one another while plying their trades on DNA. New research shows that the enzymes that copy DNA before cell division, called replisomes, are the kings of ...

Fast track to mouse modeling

What genes are responsible for the development of breast cancer? What are the brain cell mutations that lead to the onset of Alzheimer's? To find new therapies, scientists have to understand how diseases are triggered at ...

High fidelity: Researcher finds keys to genome integrity

Maintaining the stability and the correct sequence of our genetic information is vital to the accurate transmission of our genetic code. However, in the course of replicating, our DNA frequently runs into roadblocks, arising ...

New DNA research reveals undiscovered white dots on the map

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have located a previously unknown function in the so-called histones, which allows for an improved understanding of how cells protect and repair DNA damages. This knowledge may ...

Team solves mystery associated with DNA repair

Every time a human or bacterial cell divides it first must copy its DNA. Specialized proteins unzip the intertwined DNA strands while others follow and build new strands, using the originals as templates. Whenever these proteins ...

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