Respiratory virus infection triggers new class of biomolecules

( -- For the first time, scientists have discovered that a poorly understood class of RNA produced in a mammal's cells during a respiratory virus attack may affect the outcome of the infection. Their findings ...

Physics of gene transcription unveiled

( -- A research team has made precise measurements of where and how RNA polymerase encounters obstacles while it reads nucleosomal DNA.

Enabling easy access to DNA sequence information

The European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) is launched today, consolidating three major sequence resources to become Europe's primary access point to globally comprehensive DNA and RNA sequence information. The ENA is freely available ...

Scientists discover new genetic sub-code

In a multidisciplinary approach, Professor Yves Barral, from the Biology Department at ETH Zurich and the computer scientists Dr. Gina Cannarozzi and Professor Gaston Gonnet, from the Computer Science Department of ETH Zurich ...

Bringing better grapes a step closer to reality

Grapes are one of the world's most economically important fruit crops, but the woody perennial takes three years to go from seed to fruit, and that makes traditional breeding expensive and time-consuming.

Tracking Virus Resistance Genes in Watermelon Made Easier

( -- Finding watermelon genes that confer resistance to the devastating zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) has just been made easier, thanks to molecular markers developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) ...

Just like old times: Generating RNA molecules in water

A key question in the origin of biological molecules like RNA and DNA is how they first came together billions of years ago from simple precursors. Now, in a study appearing in this week's Journal of Biological Chemistry, ...

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