Related topics: species

The digital dark matter clouding AI in genome analysis

Artificial intelligence has entered our daily lives. First, it was ChatGPT. Now, it's AI-generated pizza and beer commercials. While we can't trust AI to be perfect, it turns out that sometimes we can't trust ourselves with ...

River erosion can shape fish evolution, study suggests

If we could rewind the tape of species evolution around the world and play it forward over hundreds of millions of years to the present day, we would see biodiversity clustering around regions of tectonic turmoil. Tectonically ...

DNA microcapsules: Scaling up the future of data storage

Storing data in DNA sounds like science fiction, yet it lies in the near future. Professor Tom de Greef expects the first DNA data center to be up and running within five to ten years. Data won't be stored as zeros and ones ...

Breaking bonds: Double-helix unzipping reveals DNA physics

Accurately reconstructing how the parts of a complex molecular are held together knowing only how the molecule distorts and breaks up—this was the challenge taken on by a research team led by SISSA's Cristian Micheletti ...

DNA synthesis technologies to close the gene writing gap

NPL, in collaboration with London Biofoundry and BiologIC Technologies Ltd, have released an analysis on existing and emerging DNA Synthesis technologies in Nature Reviews Chemistry, featuring the work on the front cover.

Shark from the Jurassic period was already highly evolved

Cartilaginous fish have changed much more in the course of their evolutionary history than previously believed. Evidence for this thesis has been provided by new fossils of a ray-like shark, Protospinax annectans, which demonstrate ...

Hi-tech is making the seas transparent

Researchers at James Cook University who paired a revolutionary method for detecting fish with freely available ecological data believe the technique could transform environmental science.

Radiation damage to paternal DNA is passed on to offspring: Study

Whether radiation exposure of fathers can have consequences on their children is one of the most long-standing questions in radiation biology. Using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a model, Professor Dr. Björn Schumacher ...

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