New class of DNA repair enzyme discovered

This year's Nobel Prize in chemistry was given to three scientists who each focused on one piece of the DNA repair puzzle. Now a new study, reported online Oct. 28 in the journal Nature, reports the discovery of a new class ...

Improving accuracy in genomic mapping with time-series data

If you already have the sequenced map of an organism's genome but want to look for structural oddities in a sample, you can check the genomic barcode—a series of distances between known, targeted sites—by cutting a DNA ...

DNA puts Stanford chemists on scent of better artificial nose

A new approach to building an "artificial nose" -- using fluorescent compounds and DNA -- could accelerate the use of sniffing sensors into the realm of mass production and widespread use, say Stanford chemists. If their ...

Mouse Work: New Insights on a Fundamental DNA Repair Mechanism

( -- Adding a new link to our understanding of the complex chain of chemistry that keeps living cells alive, a team of researchers from the University of Vermont (UVM), the University of Utah, Vanderbilt University ...

Dynamic twists and loops can enable DNA to modulate its function

When people think of DNA, they visualize a string-like double helix structure. In reality, the DNA double helix in cells is supercoiled and constrained into loops. This supercoiling and looping are known to influence every ...