Refurbished smart phones—the millennial or Gen X choice

Millions living on the Indian sub-continent aspire to ownership of the technological breakthroughs, smartphones, tablet computers, etc that are now almost ubiquitous in other countries. The question of sustainability arises ...

Whither the middle class?

A new OECD report, "Under Pressure: The Squeezed Middle Class," analyses how the middle class has fared in high-income countries between the 1980s and 2016. The results for the UK have some striking features.

Extinct or passé? New research examines the term, 'metrosexual'

Did the "metrosexual" male die out with the last decade, or has he become the new normal? Erynn Masi de Casanova, a UC assistant professor of sociology, will present her research about the label on Nov. 14, at the 111th annual ...

iPhone 5 not just a phone; it's a stimulus too

Apple's iPhone 5 is one of the biggest product launches ever in the sector, and may also deliver a well-timed stimulus to the US economy ahead of the presidential election, analysts say.

Solid debut for Amazon's Kindle Fire: research firm

Amazon's Kindle Fire, which went on sale in November, had a solid debut, leapfrogging Samsung tablets to become the top-selling device after Apple's iPad, a market research firm said Thursday.

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