New way to identify 'smoked' grapes and wines

With climate change sparking concern about an increased risk of wildfires, scientists are reporting development of a way to detect grapes exposed to smoke from those fires, which otherwise could be vented into bad-tasting ...

Anthrax clean-up by mother-daughter team

Alison Burklund has a collection of ribbons and awards that she's picked up for her outstanding projects at the Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair, a collection that began when she was in the eighth grade.

New plaster enhances wound healing

( -- Swiss researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a plaster that accelerates wound healing and is easily removed from the wound at any time. Burn victims in particular may profit from this invention in the future.

New explanation for nature's hardiest life form

Got food poisoning? The cause might be bacterial spores, en extremely hardy survival form of bacteria, a nightmare for health care and the food industry and an enigma for scientists. Spore-forming bacteria, present almost ...

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