Google AI tool predicts danger of genetic mutations

Researchers at Google DeepMind, the tech giant's artificial intelligence arm, on Tuesday introduced a tool that predicts whether genetic mutations are likely to cause harm, a breakthrough that could help research into rare ...

A rapid test for detecting fire blight in plants

RUDN University biotechnologists have created a method for detection of bacterial infection in apple, pear, hawthorn and other plants of the Rosaceae family. The test does not require laboratory equipment, the result is ready ...

Thwarting deadly heart blockages with organic nanoparticles

Cardiovascular disease, which kills one Australian every 12 minutes, is caused by a hardening of the arteries due to abnormal deposits of fat and cholesterol (known as plaque) in the inner lining of the artery; a process ...

DNA-tagging strategy for early detection of disease signatures

Researchers can uncover how proteins interact with other proteins with far greater sensitivity and in a more natural context than conventional methods, thanks to an analytic technique developed by a RIKEN team. This will ...

Sensitive sensor detects Down syndrome DNA

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Down syndrome is the most common birth defect, occurring once in every 700 births. However, traditional non-invasive prenatal tests for the condition are unreliable ...

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