Researchers study costs of 'dirty bomb' attack in L.A.

A dirty bomb attack centered on downtown Los Angeles' financial district could severely impact the region's economy to the tune of nearly $16 billion, fueled primarily by psychological effects that could persist for a decade.

China sets pace for smoggy Hong Kong: think-tank

Beijing's decision to come clean on its dirty air has embarrassed Hong Kong, where smog kills hundreds of people a year, hurts business and drives away talent, a think-tank has said.

Record air pollution hammers Calif's ag heartland

(AP) -- This is the time of year when residents who often live with the nation's worst pollution often can draw a breath of fresh air. But this winter has not been kind to people who want to play outside in California's ...

Choking on factory waste: the Nile's rising scourge

As tourists pose for selfies on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda, factories within spitting distance of the source of the Nile dump their waste directly into Africa's longest river.

Biden restores environmental safeguards dropped by Trump

The administration of President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced it would restore safeguards in a cornerstone environmental law weakened under Donald Trump—including a duty to assess the climate impacts of proposed infrastructure ...

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