Finding new chemistry to capture double the carbon

Finding ways to capture, store, and use carbon dioxide (CO2) remains an urgent global problem. As temperatures continue to rise, keeping CO2 from entering the atmosphere can help limit warming where carbon-based fuels are ...

How plants adjust their photosynthesis to changing light

Photosynthesis is the central process by which plants build up biomass using light, water, and carbon dioxide from the air. Gaining a detailed understanding of this process makes it possible to modify and thus optimize it—for ...

Africa's carbon sink capacity is shrinking

The population of Africa, the second-largest continent in the world, currently sits at about 1.4 billion, but is set to exceed 2 billion by 2040. This means greater swaths of land than ever before are being used for agriculture, ...

Operando spectroscopy provides a window on water oxidation

Iridium oxide catalysts are effective for water oxidation making them very attractive for green technologies. A team including researchers from SANKEN (The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research) at Osaka University ...

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