Opening the Door for CO2

( -- Until recently, factory smokestacks that produced nothing but carbon dioxide and water vapor were considered exemplary. Now CO2 has become notorious as a greenhouse gas, and the danger of climate change has ...

Alternative cement with low carbon footprint developed

Researchers at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in Germany and the Brazilian University of ParĂ¡ have developed a climate-friendly alternative to conventional cement. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions can ...

Fast, cheap, and accurate: Detecting CO2 with a fluorescent twist

Detecting specific gases in the air is possible using a number of different existing technologies, but typically all of these suffer from one or more drawbacks including high energy cost, large size, slow detection speed, ...

Researchers build Moon garden

The Moon is not the most hospitable place for growing fruits and vegetables. The lack of atmosphere and natural water, extreme temperatures, and exposure to cosmic rays present some serious challenges for future inhabitants ...

Promising new alloy for resistive switching memory

Memory based on electrically-induced "resistive switching" effects have generated a great deal of interest among engineers searching for faster and smaller devices because resistive switching would allow for a higher memory ...

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