A third dimension for mobile phones

(PhysOrg.com) -- Three-dimensional viewing has not yet made it in a big way onto our television and cinema screens. According to European researchers, the story of 3-D TV is set to be quite different with mobile devices, ...

Equivalence principle in space test

Since Galileo Galilei and Newton, the assumption is valid that inert and heavy mass are equivalent. This is, however, questioned by new physical theories such as the String theory. Now, the equivalence principle is put to ...

'Monsters vs. Aliens' creates another dimension

(AP) -- "Monsters vs. Aliens" opens with an old 3-D gag: A ball bounces directly into the audience, causing moviegoers to instinctively scoot back in their seats. But the resemblance to old-fashioned 3-D ends there.

Who cares about the fourth dimension?

Austrian scientists are trying to understand the mysteries of the holographic principle: How many dimensions are there in our universe?

Super-resolution microscopy takes on a third dimension

The shapes of some of the tiniest cellular structures are coming into sharper focus at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus, where scientists have developed a new imaging technology that produces ...

The cockpit of the future

(PhysOrg.com) -- Research scientists have developed a novel car dashboard that functions as a 3-D display and shows velocities, engine speeds or warnings in three dimensions. The display’s design can be chosen individually ...

How 'sticky' is dense nuclear matter?

Colliding heavy atomic nuclei together creates a fluidlike soup of visible matter's fundamental building blocks, quarks and gluons. This soup has very low viscosity—a measure of its "stickiness," or resistance to flow.

The strangest coincidence in physics: The AdS/CFT correspondence

Attempts to turn string theory into a workable theory of nature have led to the potential conclusion that our universe is a hologram—that what we perceive as three spatial dimensions is actually composed of only two. The ...

How to think about a four-dimensional universe

In Einstein's famous theory of relativity the concepts of immutable space and time aren't just put aside, they're explicitly and emphatically rejected. Space and time are now woven into a coexisting fabric. That is to say, ...

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