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How 3-D printing threatens our patent system

Remember Napster or Grokster? Both services allowed users to share computer files – usually digital music – that infringed the copyrights for those songs.

Key dates in Apple history

The following are key dates in the history of Apple, whose ailing co-founder Steve Jobs resigned as CEO on Wednesday:

Like Apple, Amazon, Wal-Mart change music prices

(AP) -- Apple's iTunes Store isn't the only one that has adjusted prices for its digital song downloads recently: Changes are showing up at Amazon's and Wal-Mart's online music stores, too.

YouTube subscription music service to go for mobile dollars

As YouTube prepares to launch its subscription music service by the end of the year, the digital music giant is seeking to capitalize on music fans' desire to have access to their favorite songs everywhere they go.

10 billionth song downloaded from Apple's iTunes

The 10 billionth song was downloaded from Apple's iTunes on Wednesday, seven years after the launch of the online store which provided a lifeline to the struggling music industry.

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