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Multimedia search without detours

Finding a particular song or video is often no easy matter. Manually assigned metadata may be incorrect, and the unpacking of compressed data can slow up the search. DIVAS, a multimedia search engine, uses digital fingerprints ...

10 billionth song downloaded from Apple's iTunes

The 10 billionth song was downloaded from Apple's iTunes on Wednesday, seven years after the launch of the online store which provided a lifeline to the struggling music industry.

RealNetworks, MTV to spin off Rhapsody

(AP) -- RealNetworks Inc. and MTV Networks said Tuesday that they plan to spin off Rhapsody America LLC, their digital music service joint venture, into an independent company.

Apple's own approach to iPad e-books could confuse

(AP) -- Even as Apple's iPad will likely energize electronic reading, the new device is undermining a painstakingly constructed effort by the publishing industry to make it possible to move e-books between different electronic ...

Digital music sales rise but piracy is sour note

(AP) -- Strong growth in digital music sales in 2009 led by Lady Gaga failed to stop the continuing slump in the international recorded music industry, and pirates remain a major problem, an industry body said Thursday.

Making Braille music universally accessible

( -- Blind musicians have had restricted access to scores due to the scarcity and limitations of Braille transcriptions. A new European system makes music for the blind more available and far easier to use.

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