Retailers angle for presence in social media's virtual worlds

Best Buy Co. Inc. may be building fewer big-box stores in malls and shopping centers nationwide. But when it comes to the virtual world, the Richfield, Minn.-based consumer electronics giant is looking to grab some digital ...

Sony to release tablet computer this month

Sony's first tablet computer will hit the Japanese market on September 17 as the company looks to take on Apple's popular iPad, the electronics giant said Thursday.

US shops see videogame sales drop in May

US videogame industry sales at real-world shops slumped in May on a light line-up of new titles and shifts to digital content offered for download on the Internet, according to NPD Group.

3-D advances come with health concerns for children

In a seeming blink of an eye, 3-D technology has advanced beyond imagination. Hollywood, TV manufacturers and video game makers say you have to see it to believe it. But the visual trickery that produces 3-D images can also ...

Sony hopes online service will build brand loyalty

(AP) -- Sony's new online service connecting the whole range of its gadgets to downloadable content like movies and games should help build brand loyalty, a top executive said Friday.

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