The mind distracted: technology's battle for our attention

Between distractions, diversions and the flickering allure of a random suggestion, the major computer platforms aim to keep us glued to our screens come what may. Now some think it is time to escape the tyranny of the digital ...

Vatican invites hackers to fix problems, not breach security

Computer hackers with a heart are descending on the Vatican to help tackle pressing problems particularly dear to Pope Francis, including how to better provide resources for migrants and encourage solidarity for the poor.

3D design putting golfers above par

Master of Design Innovation student James Irvine has developed a design process that takes data from a player's swing and deciphers where their sweet spot is—the area of the club the player hits the ball with most.

Students' designs give prosthetics a new look

A project by Kansas State University interior architecture & product design students is giving individuals with prosthetic limbs a chance to add some personality to their prosthetic and show the students that their discipline ...

Augmented reality lifts awareness of nature preservation

Imagine strolling along a wildlife refuge trail and finding a marker with a symbol of a bison. Pull out your smartphone or iPad and hold it up to the picture. Now look at the screen and see a 3-D bison roam across the landscape.

The engineering behind the 3-D printing revolution

While 3-D pens and printers are enjoyed by students, artists and makers, innovative American companies are using similar equipment to manufacture aerospace, automotive and medical technologies. The number of technologies ...

Software arranges photo lighting after the shoot

What often separates professional photographers from amateurs is their mastery of lighting. Lighting can control what parts of an image draw your attention, or whether an object looks expensive or cheesy. And even for pros, ...

How information design eases our understanding of the world

"How do you land a 2,000-pound rover on a planet 100 million miles away from Earth without controlling it in real time?" asked Mark Davis, an Emmy-winning producer and director of science and technology documentaries for ...

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