Related topics: iphone · camera

Photo mining

Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints…that well-worn traveller's mantra might be modernised to say "take nothing but photos." Indeed, modern travellers take and share billions of photos every year thanks ...

Glow-in-the-dark paper as a rapid test for infectious diseases

Researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) and Keio University (Japan) have presented a practicable and reliable way to test for infectious diseases in Angewandte Chemie. The simple technique uses ...

Medical camera sees through the body

Scientists have developed a camera that can see through the human body. The camera is designed to help doctors track medical tools known as endoscopes that are used to investigate a range of internal conditions.

Ultra-thin camera creates images without lenses

Traditional cameras—even those on the thinnest of cell phones—cannot be truly flat due to their optics: lenses that require a certain shape and size in order to function. At Caltech, engineers have developed a new camera ...

Image: Teide Observatory on Tenerife, Spain

ESA operates its Optical Ground Station (OGS) at the Teide Observatory on Tenerife, Spain, where a Zeiss 1 m-diameter telescope is used to survey and characterise objects near the 'geostationary ring' some 36 000 km above ...

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