Amount of information in visible universe quantified

Researchers have long suspected a connection between information and the physical universe, with various paradoxes and thought experiments used to explore how or why information could be encoded in physical matter. The digital ...

Smart technology is not making us dumber: study

There are plenty of negatives associated with smart technology—tech neck, texting and driving, blue light rays—but there is also a positive: the digital age is not making us stupid, says University of Cincinnati social/behavioral ...

Motion of satellite galaxies suggests younger universe

In standard cosmological models, the formation of cosmological structures begins with the emergence of small structures, which subsequently undergo hierarchical merging, leading to the formation of larger systems. As the ...

UN advances Internet privacy resolution (Update)

The U.N. General Assembly's human rights committee on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution sponsored by Brazil and Germany to protect the right to privacy against unlawful surveillance, following months of reports about ...

Probing Question: Can we save today's documents for tomorrow?

Even though your grandparents’ old photo albums are yellowed and grainy, they’re still there for you and your family to enjoy. But will your grandchildren be able to say the same of the digital photo albums you’re compiling ...

Research: Technology is changing how companies do business

In the fast-paced world of modern business, technology plays a crucial role in shaping how companies operate. One area where this impact is particularly significant is in the organization of production chains—specifically ...

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