Snail mucus yields natural adhesive for wound healing

Land snails and their mucus were used in ancient times by Hippocrates and Pliny to treat pain associated with burns, abscesses and other wounds. Inspired by this ancient therapy, Prof. Wu Mingyi and his team at the Kunming ...

Collaboration shapes extracellular vesicle retention strategy

Leveraging unique expertise in the spirit of collaboration is one of Carnegie Mellon University's formulas for success. Over the past three years, Phil Campbell and Xi (Charlie) Ren partnered on research related to spatial ...

Biomedical engineers create 'smart' bandages to heal chronic wounds

Chronic and non-healing wounds—one of the most devastating complications of diabetes and the leading cause of limb amputation—affects millions of Americans each year. Due to the complex nature of these wounds, proper ...

E-bandage generates electricity, speeds wound healing in rats

Skin has a remarkable ability to heal itself. But in some cases, wounds heal very slowly or not at all, putting a person at risk for chronic pain, infection and scarring. Now, researchers have developed a self-powered bandage ...

Nanotech wound healing in diabetes

People with diabetes mellitus often suffer from impaired wound healing. Now, scientists in Egypt have developed antibacterial nanofibres of cellulose acetate loaded with silver that could be used in a new type of dressing ...

Wound healing: 'See-saw' switch sends cells on the march

Many genes are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules that provide instructions for protein synthesis. Other genes encode regulatory RNAs known as 'microRNAs', which can block protein translation by binding to specific ...

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