Related topics: smartphone

Graphene crystals grow better under copper cover

An approach that produces single-crystal graphene sheets on large-scale electrically insulating supports could help with the development of next-generation nanomaterial-based devices, such as very light and thin touchscreens, ...

Entangling electrons with heat

A joint group of scientists from Finland, Russia, China and the U.S. has demonstrated that temperature difference can be used to entangle pairs of electrons in superconducting structures. The experimental discovery, published ...

Shaping the future of light through reconfigurable metasurfaces

The technological advancement of optical lenses has long been a significant marker of human scientific achievement. Eyeglasses, telescopes, cameras, and microscopes have all literally and figuratively allowed us to see the ...

Researchers devise tunable conducting edge

A research team led by a physicist at the University of California, Riverside, has demonstrated a new magnetized state in a monolayer of tungsten ditelluride, or WTe2, a new quantum material. Called a magnetized or ferromagnetic ...

Researchers demonstrate a platform for future optical transistors

Leading research groups in the field of nanophotonics are working toward developing optical transistors—key components for future optical computers. These devices will process information with photons instead of electrons, ...

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