Researchers develop highly flexible, wearable display

How do you feel when technology you saw in a movie is made into reality? Collaboration between the electrical engineering and the textile industries has made video screens and displays on clothing a reality.

Semiconductor devices: Under mounting stress

The recently developed ability to measure physical changes in silicon when processed into microelectronic devices could improve fabrication techniques for even smaller circuits.

Low-noise, chip-based optical wavelength converter demonstrated

(—Researchers from the NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology have demonstrated a low-noise device for changing the wavelength of light using nanofabricated waveguides created on a silicon-based platform ...

Plasma etching pushes the limits of a shrinking world

Plasma etching (using an ionized gas to carve tiny components on silicon wafers) has long enabled the perpetuation of Moore's Law -- the observation that the number of transistors that can be squeezed into an integrated circuit ...

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