Designing and building nanocomponents to spec

Hybrid, multifunctional nanostructures with diverse 3D shapes and complex material composition can now be manufactured with a precise and efficient fabrication technique.

Robot hands gain a gentler touch

( —What use is a hand without nerves, that can't tell what it's holding? A hand that lifts a can of soda to your lips, but inadvertently tips or crushes it in the process?

Researchers open door to advanced molecular electronic metrology

( —Continued advancements using a NIST-developed molecular-level fabrication technique are leading to new discoveries in the metrology for molecular electronics by advancing large-area (μm to mm range) connections ...

Folding funnels key to biomimicry

(—Proteins are able to self-assemble into a wide range of highly ordered structures that feature a diverse array of properties. Through biomimicry - technological innovation inspired by nature – humans hope to ...

Company develops conductive yarn for soldier uniforms

( -- Modern military uniforms for servicemen from some countries such as those that serve Great Britain have evolved to the point that batteries and cables are needed for electronic devices that are carried; the ...

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