Etch-a-sketch with superconductors

Reporting in Nature Materials this week, researchers from the London Centre for Nanotechnology and the Physics Department of Sapienza University of Rome have discovered a technique to 'draw' superconducting shapes using an ...

Breakthrough could lead to disposable e-readers

( -- A breakthrough in a University of Cincinnati engineering lab that could clear the way for a low-cost, even disposable, e-reader is gaining considerable attention.

New Sensor to Drastically Cut Water Usage During Chip Making Process

Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), University of Arizona and Arizona State University researchers have shown a new, exclusive way to dramatically conserve the amount of water needed to manufacture semiconductors. Using ...

IBM Scientists Demonstrate World's Fastest Graphene Transistor

( -- In a just-published paper in the magazine Science, IBM researchers demonstrated a radio-frequency graphene transistor with the highest cut-off frequency achieved so far for any graphene device - 100 billion ...

Next generation devices get boost from graphene research

( -- Researchers in the Electro-Optics Center (EOC) Materials Division at Penn State have produced 100 mm diameter graphene wafers, a key milestone in the development of graphene for next generation high-power, ...

Smart clothes for better healthcare (w/ Video)

( -- Comfortable smart clothes that monitor the wearer’s heart, breathing and body temperature promise to revolutionise healthcare by reducing hospital visits and allowing patients to lead more active lives.

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