Bail hearings to begin in alleged Russian spy case

(AP)—The man U.S. authorities claim led a plot to funnel cutting-edge military technology to Russia kept a low profile in his suburban Houston neighborhood and was unknown to leaders in the city's Russian community.

Recent advance in detonation theory

A detonation wave is a chemical reaction wave propagating at the velocity of a shock wave along the explosive charge. There is great demand for a detonation model that can accurately simulate the detonation process, which ...

New disaster preparedness tool calculates casualty estimates

In the aftermath of a dirty bomb, hundreds or even thousands of victims could require medical attention. First responders conduct extensive training to prepare for such a cataclysmic event, but planning is difficult without ...

In Brief: Nuclear explosion debris may reveal bomb's origin

Nuclear explosion debris may contain microscopic evidence that could help investigators determine the origin of the bomb, according to a study published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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