Glove-friendly touchscreen goes on exhibit

( -- A new screen has been designed that can work with gloved hands, and it comes from Japan-based SMK. The target application will be car-navigation systems which drivers can operate while wearing gloves. The ...

Discovery of a simple mechanism for color detection

Color vision, consisting of ocular color detection, is achieved with complicated neural mechanisms in the eyes. Researchers from Osaka City University in Japan have found color detection with a simple mechanism in the fish ...

Mars Rover device gets new mission on Earth

Developed to sniff out extraterrestrial life on other planets, a portable device known as the Mars Organic Analyzer (MOA) is taking on a new role in detecting air pollutants on Earth. Researchers in California report the ...

Explosive breakthrough in research on molecular recognition

Ever wonder how sometimes people still get through security with explosives on their person? Research done in the University of Alberta's Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering has revealed a new way to better detect ...

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