Scientists debate boundaries, ethics of human gene editing

Rewriting your DNA is getting closer to reality: A revolutionary technology is opening new frontiers for genetic engineering—a promise of cures for intractable diseases along with anxiety about designer babies.

Simple mathematical formula models lithium-ion battery aging

Hybrid electric vehicles, cell phones, digital cameras, and the Mars Curiosity rover are just a few of the many devices that use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Now a team of Penn State researchers has a simple mathematical ...

Sensing small molecules may revolutionize drug design

Most pharmaceutical drugs consist of tiny molecules, which target a class of proteins found on the surfaces of cell membranes. Studying these subtle interactions is essential for the design of effective drugs, but the task ...

New system makes 3-D animation easy

Andy Nealen, an assistant professor of game engineering, computer graphics, and perceptual science at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, has created a system that makes it possible for even beginners to create sophisticated ...

Customizing 3-D printing

The technology behind 3-D printing is growing more and more common, but the ability to create designs for it is not. Any but the simplest designs require expertise with computer-aided design (CAD) applications, and even for ...

Structural discoveries could aid in better drug design

F. Scott Fitzgerald once said that the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. Now, scientists from the Florida campus ...

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