Five reasons video games should be more widely used in school

In an effort to curtail how much time young people spend playing video games, China has banned students from playing them during the school week and limits them to just one hour per day on Fridays, weekends and holidays.

How teachers can use video games to motivate students

If you ask your teens to do their homework they'll find a thousand other things to do. But put them in front of a video game, and they'll focus on it for hours. How exactly do game designers create this kind of engagement? ...

Team creates game-based virtual archaeology field school

Before they can get started at their field site—a giant cave studded with stalactites, stalagmites and human artifacts—15 undergraduate students must figure out how to use their virtual hands and tools. They also must ...

Online violence just as destructive as offline violence

While the digital age helps facilitate spaces for women to be heard with movements and campaigns such as #OrangeTheWorld #MeToo #TimesUp #NotOneMore, conversely, it also presents further opportunities to inflict harm on women.

How to turn the waste crisis into a design opportunity

You might never have heard of expanded polystyrene, but you've definitely used it. It's the lightweight white foam used for everything from packing peanuts to holding boxes of veggies at the supermarket.

Texas mulls changing science standards questioning evolution

The Texas Board of Education will decide whether to scrap a requirement that public schools teach high school students to scrutinize "all sides" of scientific theory after hearing Tuesday from academics who say that was meant ...

Students' designs give prosthetics a new look

A project by Kansas State University interior architecture & product design students is giving individuals with prosthetic limbs a chance to add some personality to their prosthetic and show the students that their discipline ...

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